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Tolerate GRS - a recycled product assortment

In recent years, Tolerate has sold about 1,000,000 mobile phone cases on the Swedish market. Mobile phone cases that are all too often thrown away after use. Only 8% of the Swedish plastic waste goes to material recycling.
By offering withdrawals of the mobile cases that Tolerate has put on the market, the opportunity is now given to reuse the material to the production of new products. Through collaboration with leading retailers and lifecycle management companies, Tolerate can easily and effectively ensure the reclaiming of used mobile cases. In this way, Tolerate can offer a closed circular economy.
From a life cycle perspective, recycled plastic has about three times lower climate impact than new fossil-based plastic.
With a continued focus on quality, it is ensured that Tolerate GRS lives up to users’ requirements for function and use. Tolerate GRS, like other cases, is adapted for our range of glass screen protectors, which offers an optimal protection solution for the user.
So what do the different logotypes means?
100% Recyclable: All our existing TPU cases are 100% recyclable.
Tolerate 100% Recycled: Tolerate TPU GRS are made of 100% recycled materials.
Recycled materials: Tolerate GRS Wallet is made of ecofriendly PU material. At least 50% of the case is made of recycled material and the TPU case on the inside is made of 100% recycled plastic.

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something

Tolerate works proactively with innovative solutions in terms of packaging, development of material for production, and strives to improve the quality and function of the products. This to reduce overconsumption while increasing the life of the products.
Tolerate was the first brand in the Nordics to present a 100% organic and biodegradable mobile case – Tolerate ECO Case.
Follow us in our pursuit to leave a sustainable and socially responsible legacy that clearly guides the industry and the world we live in.

Sustainable consumption and production

Tolerate’s determinant work to save the earth’s resources has since the start in 2014, been a strong guiding principle for how we in the company have developed our products.
By using bulk packaging instead of traditional blister alternatives Tolerate has saved the environment the unnecessary production of over 200 tons of product packaging. Our bulk packages are made of PLA which is a more environmentally friendly plastic option.
In addition to reduce the consumption of unnecessary packaging, bulk package has another amazing feature. By using bulk packaging, we can save over 80% of the volume when we transport our products.
This allows us to send more products in smaller packages, which in return reduces the emissions. At the same time a “retail glass screen protector supplier” sends one single glass screen protector in blister, we can send 10pcs, using the same amount of space in the shipment.
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